Come view the works of artists in progress, in flux showing the raw edges of creation
Cindy Nguyen
Della Vaz
Helena Xu
Isabella Yang
Karen Cheung
Max Ocampo Estribí
Ryan John Macpherson
The Atrium of Unfinished Things is a room meant to uncover what it means to play. Whether or not you enter the room as an artist, you are sure to leave feeling like one after interacting with our crafts table and our trancelike visual simulations. Let yourself center your mental energy in the act of creative joy, as you consider all the ways to take life less seriously.
Bonnie Pham
Julia Petosa
Rubiat Fusigboye
Khaos Garden is not for the faint of heart. Test your creative resilience against distraction, frustration, and atmospheric challenges that mimic whatever stands between you and your best creative self. But don’t be fooled–the most miraculous things grow from the least expected places.
Faye Sun
Rubiat Fusigboye
Never Ending Gallery is a place to question, collaborate, and evolve. Phantasia visitors are invited to wield their agency through personal contributions to the gallery in an exercise of control. That being said, we urge you to innovate beyond your comfort zone.
Daniel Naraindas
Grace Sun
Ivan Ceria
Rubiat Fusigboye